I completed the second heist on macheist it includes cracking into the edge.
by the way hubert wants me to link to 1passwd.com. I agree it is a great app
somone built a powerbook tablet with a Wacom Graphire and a Powerbook Titanium. It even has special software to make the Graphire to work like a mouse.
Yes I missed the news on the fourth and fifth heist. The reason: sixth Heist insanity. usually the heists come every Sunday but the sixth and last heist didn't. Macheist Director Phill Ryu has been dropping clues that it will come on a special event. But it didn't come on Christmas or new years. There is still hope: The Macworld Expo. What happens if it doesn't come out then? do we have to wait for the WWDC?
At macworld this week apple released the amazing new iphone! It includes new multi touch technology and more!
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Rare Public Appearance Together a rare photo of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs together.
Continue reading "Steve Jobs and Bill Gates sat together!!" »
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