hello welcome to my weblog i hope you have a good time
hello welcome to my weblog i hope you have a good time
come all yee users! create an account on tristan.hume.ca and access all sorts of stuff like :chat mail systems and more!
Swami Beta 1.0 is in development at tristan.hume.ca/swami. At the moment all public entries are under the name anonymous and only bookmarklet works without a code.
A new game has been posted! The name trupa racing. Utilizing mode 7 technology this is our first 3D game! You can find it at:
My best time is 00:24:44 (if you beat it comment)
If anybody is looking for their site designed i found out about a person named Leo Mancini. His design services are free and he does a very nice job. He also designs custom avatars for free to. you can visit his sight at http://leomancini.net/
I am writing this post on a 655 kb/s upload connection! I just had my Internet connection speed tested on Speedtest.net.
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