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November 2006 Archives

November 11, 2006

Who The Heck Is HUBERT!

One certain monkey is driving us crazy.
his name is Hubert. He is appearing on multiple sites including:

He has a website but it is not very informative. People are saying it has something to do with MacHeist. Others are saying it is like BonziBuddy for mac. The links on the huberts seem to leed you all around the web. When you click on a hubert,he takes you to a site with another hubert. The loop ends when you get to a site with no hubert such as potionfactory or unsanity. It is like they are trying to lead you to great sites. Some suspected people behind this are:

-Austin Sarner(developer of disco)
-Phill Ryu(inventor o mydreamapp and macheist)

November 13, 2006

first heist completed!

I completed the first Heist on macHeist! It involves getting (supposedly real) data on the IPhone. and submitting it to MacRumors. The contents of the safe where:
-assignment planner
-chat transcript manager
and 2 dollars off a shareware app.

November 16, 2006

Swami Beta 1.0

Swami Beta 1.0 is in development at tristan.hume.ca/swami. At the moment all public entries are under the name anonymous and only bookmarklet works without a code.

November 20, 2006

New Game!

A new game has been posted! The name trupa racing. Utilizing mode 7 technology this is our first 3D game! You can find it at:

My best time is 00:24:44 (if you beat it comment)

November 26, 2006

more on hubert

I found out more on Hubert this morning including the person who designed the icon.
I was on the MacHeist forums and I saw this post on how the certificate for whoishubert.com is signed by www.etalageapp.com which is basically a duplicate of madebysofa.com. It has a link to http://www.vanhugo.com/ which says that he is an icon designer. It shows his works at the bottom which include the icon for Hubert. It also includes a Lincoln Hubert which happens to be the avatar of a guy on the Macheist forums. Could this person be van Hugo. are we onto something?

About November 2006

This page contains all entries posted to Tristan Hume in November 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

October 2006 is the previous archive.

December 2006 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.